html - Align <div> with display inline or inline-block without width -

in project have row "user name", "company phone" , "logo". asked align company phone in middle between "logo" , "user name". have problem this, because user name can between 5 , 30 characters long, can't give fixed width. company phone image (not text). demo design

demo design

please help! can't find works example. thanks.

you can use flexbox:

.container {    display: flex;  }  .phone {    flex-grow: 1; /* grow fill avilable space */    text-align: center; /* center contents */  }
<div class="container">    <div class="logo">logo</div>    <div class="phone">1-999-999-999</div>    <div class="name">user name</div>    <div class="exit">exit</div>  </div>  <div class="container">    <div class="logo">logo</div>    <div class="phone">1-999-999-999</div>    <div class="name">very long user name demo</div>    <div class="exit">exit</div>  </div>


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