html - Align div in li as center -

here fiddle:

my question how can align "something #" list items center , inline. 1 can see "hi" title aligned in center using text-align: center in css, doesn't seem work list items.

is there pure css way of doing without messing around <div>, <ul>, , <li> structure, using plugin wordpress , pain change this.

i want "something #" list items centered aligned, , if browser resized "something 3" drops down still centered -- hope makes sense.


do not use float: left, use display: inline-block;

li {     display: inline-block; } 

working demo

.list-holder {    background: black;    height: 100px;    color: white;    text-align:center;  }  .div-list-item {    background: red;    color: black;    margin-left: 10px;  }    .ul-class {    list-style: none;   padding: 0;  }    li {      display: inline-block;  }    {      display: black;  }
<div class="list-holder">    hi    <ul class="ul-class">      <li class="li-class">        <div class="div-list-item">          1        </div>      </li>      <li class="li-class">        <div class="div-list-item">          2        </div>      </li>      <li class="li-class">        <div class="div-list-item">          3        </div>      </li>    </ul>  </div>


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