Extract geo keys field from MongoDB "NYC restaurant" collection by JAVA -

i use dataset nyc restaurants in mongodb. each restaurant has address example:

"address" : {      "building" : "461",      "coord" : [-74.138492, 40.631136],     "street" : "port richmond ave",      "zipcode" : "10302" } 

i tried "coord" pair of double java code - not work list. data structure [-74.138492, 40.631136]? want compare restaurant coordinate location find restaurants in specific range.

meantime i've found way "coord" fields double. code far perfect. if knows more elegant way - i'll glad know. "closestpoints" method calculate box of defined range around location. meantime prints out filtered coordinates.

//.... code.....

    db db = mongoclient.getdb("test");     dbcollection coll = db.getcollection("restaurants");      basicdbobject query = new basicdbobject();      query.put("cuisine", "chinese");      dbcursor cursor = coll.find(query);      //coordinates box of defined range around location.     double lat1 = mypoint.closestpoints(1)[0];     double lat2 = mypoint.closestpoints(1)[1];     double lon1 = mypoint.closestpoints(1)[2];     double lon2 = mypoint.closestpoints(1)[3];      try {          while(cursor.hasnext()) {          basicbsonobject addressobj = (basicbsonobject) cursor.next().get("address");         basicdblist addresslist = (basicdblist) addressobj.get("coord");           double restlongitude  = (double) addresslist.get(0);          double restlatitude = (double) addresslist.get(1);          if ((restlatitude < lat2 && restlatitude > lat1) && (restlongitude < lon2 && restlongitude > lon1)) {           system.out.println(restlatitude + "," + restlongitude + " box lat " + lat1 + ", " + lat2 + " box lon " + lon1 + "," + lon2 );         }      }     } catch (nullpointerexception e) {          system.err.println("nullpointerexception: " + e.getmessage());      } {       cursor.close();     }   mongoclient.close(); 

//... code ...


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