php - Query chaining without using QueryScopes in Laravel -

i'm building analytics dashboard large laravel app contains many complex queries. want chain queries together, otherwise i'm duplicating code on place, write this:

$query_result = $this->customers     ->whereactivebetween($dates)     ->withordersizegreaterthan($amount)     ->get(); 

because specific, long, , not used in other parts of app, want avoid polluting complex models query scopes going used analytics repository. so, best way achieve this, both keeping code readable, , making code reusable?

have @ traits - feature introduced in php 5.4 allows reuse code in independent classes. can find more details in docs here

in case should help:

// move reusable scopes trait trait analyticsscopes {   function whereactivebetween() { code here }   function withordersizegreaterthan() { code here } }  // add trait model classes class customer extends model {   use analyticsscopes; }  // use scopes if implemented in models $query_result = $this->customers   ->whereactivebetween($dates)   ->withordersizegreaterthan($amount)   ->get(); 


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