openerp - Limit products to company assigned to user in multi-company Odoo 9 -

i have multi-company setup in odoo, , limit products each user (under group "user") can access (read/write/create/delete) products assigned company user assigned to.

to clear, have:


  • company a
  • company b


  • user (assigned "company a" , user group "user")
  • user b (assigned "company b" , user group "user")


  • product (assigned "company a")
  • product b (assigned "company b")

with default setup, user has access both product , product b, , user have access exclusively product a, on modules (sales, inventory, pos…)

i believe possible accomplish using record rules, haven't been able it.

i got answer needed jerome guerriat @ the odoo forums. needed tick checkbox under general settings page:

there product.product multicompany rule (but inactive default): "product multi-company"

xml id: product.product_comp_rule

you can active going settings => general settings. check "manage multi company", uncheck "share product companies"

link here:


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