Is there a way to specify the interface/class being overrode using Java's Override annotation? -

some classes have many interfaces inherit from.

i want make explicit in overrided methods interface or class method overrides when @ code month now, don't have linear search on every interface being implemented , class being extended find interface or class method being overrode for.


class foo extends bar implements foo1, foo2, bar1, bar2 {     public foo(){}      @override     void foo1() {}      @override     void foo2() {}      @override     void bar1() {}      @override     void bar2() {} } 

i want like:

class foo extends bar implements foo1, foo2, bar1, bar2 {     public foo(){}      @overrides(source="foo2")     void foo1() {}      @overrides(source="bar1")     void foo2() {}      @overrides(source="bar2")     void bar1() {}      @overrides(source="foo1")     void bar2() {} } 

is there way accomplish this?

solution (thanks nikem):

can create custom annotation (

public @interface overrides  {     string source() default "";  } 

you can create own annotation purpose. standard @override annotation not allow this.


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