How to programmatically detect VB.NET obfuscation? -

i using confuserex obfuscate program before release, want program show warning if being run without obfuscation. reduce chance of non obfuscated executable being shipped. @ runtime want function returns true/false depending if obfuscation has been applied.

i can see 2 ways of doing it.

if obfuscation process use part of release build , therefore release build has embedded instructions obfuscation part, that.


the validation validate release version or if not, application run allowed users (dev. team instance).

i added way validate commandline calling myapp.exe validate

however. not validated obfuscation per see, validates application in release mode.

your obfuscator, if embedded release build, should fails if cannot obfuscate release version or premise validation not good.

public class appvalidator #if debug private shared readonly isdebugversion boolean = true #else private shared readonly isdebugversion boolean = false #end if  private shared readonly isvaliduser boolean = validatedevuser()   ''' <summary> '''     validate user authorized run program  ''' </summary> ''' <returns></returns> private shared function validatedevuser() boolean     try         ' custom validation determine if used in dev. environment such         'as validating username , domain name or checking agains dev. registry key     catch ex exception         return false     end try     return true end function  public shared function validate() boolean     dim args = environment.getcommandlineargs     dim consolevalidate boolean = args.count = 2 andalso, "validate") = 0       if isdebugversion         if consolevalidate             console.writeline(not isdebugversion)             application.current.shutdown()             return false         end if          if not validatedevuser()   "access denied")             application.current.shutdown()             return false         end if      end if      return true end function end class 

the first solution best if can sure build fails if release version produced , obfuscator steps fails.

if cannot sure of that, can maybe take @ obfuscation checker, red-gate, free , has command-line , seek in direct approach.


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