regex - How to do I write custome apache rules for urls from a view folder and remove the .PHP -

i have literally looked everywhere try , understand apache rules , writing better. trying achieve simple. want leave index.php in root, , each additional page/view want keep them in view directory , views display without .php extension.

the second thing trying achieve however, want keep other pages in view folder, , maybe have folders within keep views organized, display url without /view like: not

lastly, if place folders within view, want decide display like: &&

this close have gotten:

<ifmodule mod_rewrite.c>  rewriteengine on  # url renaming rewriterule ^contact$ contact.php [l]  </ifmodule> 

thank in advance!

replace existing rule rule:

<ifmodule mod_rewrite.c>  rewriteengine on  rewritecond %{document_root}/view/$1\.php -f rewriterule ^(.+?)/?$ view/$1.php [l]  </ifmodule> 


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