objective c - Receiver type error Obj-C -

i'm trying make hangman game. realize methods aren't efficient. basically, each time letter entered i'm checking see if there empty spaces left can display "you won!" image. keep getting 2 errors:

receiver type 'char' not 'id' or interface pointer , consider casting 'id'

thread 1: exc_bad_access (code=1, address=0x63)

any appreciated.

        bool dash = yes;          for(int j = 0; j < self.correctword.length; j++){              char temp = [self.correctword characteratindex:j];              if([temp isequal:@"-"])                 dash = yes;          }          if(dash == yes)             self.hangmanimage.image = [uiimage imagenamed:@"wonimg"]; 

the thing objective-c it's 2-headed beast.

  1. there objects, send messages.
  2. there's plain c. no messages here, operators , function calls.

let's examine error:

receiver type 'char' not 'id' or interface pointer , consider casting 'id'

a "receiver" whatever receives message. making generalization no longer accurate, message square bracket stuff:

[receiver message] 


[receiver messageargument1:arg1 argument2:arg2] 

an id type objective-c's notion of "any object".

so error trying receiver char isn't object. it's plain c type. here's line problem:

if([temp isequal:@"-"]) 

for plain c type, test equality == operator:

if (temp == '-') 


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