javascript - Is there js plugin convert the matrix parameter to css3 transform property? -

suppose have css3 transform style:

img {    -webkit-transform:rotate(10deg) translate(100px,20px);    -moz-transform:rotate(10deg) translate(100px,20px); } 

then use jquery style:


it return me series number:

matrix(0.984808, 0.173648, -0.173648, 0.984808, 95.0078px, 37.061px) 

is there js plugin turn matrix number transform?or turn other side?

numbers you're getting result of multiplying rotation , translation matrices.

although case doing math on paper , getting formulas need hand, increasing number of terms teadious task (you need know structure of original trasforms in order reverse them well).

here's link you:

why not set value need javascript code , therefore eliminate need geting them matrix @ all?


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