javascript - If element has two specific classes, disable button -

i have group of divs user can scroll though clicking on next , previous button. @ 1 time there should ten divs loaded. when user clicks next button, first div hidden , next div shown. goes previous button. when user viewing first div, previous button disabled , when user viewing last div, next button disabled. far, have working except disabling of buttons.

here loose structure of html

<div>     <button id="logo-previous"></button>     <div class="logo-image"></div>     <div class="logo-image"></div>     <div class="logo-image"></div>     <button id="logo-next"></button> </div> 

here jquery script far:

$(document).ready(function() {     $('.logo-image:lt(10)').show();     $('.logo-image').first().attr('id', 'first');     $('.logo-image').last().attr('id', 'last');     $('.logo-image:lt(10)').addclass("current");      $('#logo-next').click(function() {         $('.current').first().removeclass("current").hide();         $('.current').last().next().addclass("current").show();     });      $('#logo-previous').click(function() {         $('.current').last().removeclass("current").hide();         $('.current').first().prev().addclass("current").show();     }); }); 

it seems easiest way disable buttons this:

if (.logo-image).hasclass(current) && (.logo-image).hasclass(first)      (logo-previous).attr(disabled true) 

for reason, method doesn't work me. there better way go disabling buttons?

first of all, can narrow down code

$(".logo-previous").attr("disabled", $(".logo-image").is(".first.current")); 

or can use sibling selector:

$(".logo-image.first.current ~ .logo-previous").attr("disabled", true); 

second, use css3 attribute pointer-events setting none.


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