javascript - Creat gantt chart from d3.js -

this kind of data have:

[   {'totaltime': 10, 'hour': 0, 'name': 'sam'},    {'totaltime': 15, 'hour': 1, 'name': 'bob'},    {'totaltime': 300, 'hour': 2, 'name': 'tom'},   ... , on till,    {'totaltime': 124, 'hour': 23, 'name': 'jon'} ] 

data every hour of day. , wish create gantt chart size of bars based on totaltime.

names on y axis , hour on x.

is possible make gantt chart without start time , end time on d3.js?

it's possible, you'd need draw if you're using d3.js. if you've made bar charts before, along lines, setup axes, add them svg , use them convert data rectangles you'll put on chart, label rects names data. d3.js not include layout this. if haven't done already, go through tutorials: let’s make bar chart, parts i, ii & iii, move on looking @ custom time axis example, , related apis.

there many other libraries build on d3.js, c3 provide prefab charts (like d3's layouts) i'm not aware of 1 gantt style charts. there one example gantt chart out there (that randomly adds tasks various scaled time views 1 hour 1 week) found more confusing own time blocks below. ymmv.

i made more calendar looking chart d3js can read through here: you've got different input data formatting, adapt in pinch , swap axes rotation. assuming you're willing urgently asap.

to make aforementioned easier read & view took apart jsfiddle example.

and here's javascript inlined answer (this not gantt chart, it's vertical layout of scheduled blocks of time on 7 day week):

    var timefmt = d3.time.format.utc('%h.%m'),       weekdaydef = 'mon tue wed thu fri sat sun'.split(' '),       weekdayseq = 'mon tue wed thu fri sat sun'.split(' '),       axes = [null, null, null, null];      function hm(i) {       var s = i.tofixed(2);       return timefmt.parse((s.length < 4) ? '0' + s : s);     }     var timedata = [         {key: "m1","wday": 0,"begin": hm(6.00),"end": hm(7.00),         label: "rising, dress etc\n\retc"},         {key: "m2","wday": 0,"begin": hm(7.00),"end": hm(7.30),         label: "prep sophie"},         {key: "m3","wday": 0,"begin": hm(7.30),"end": hm(8.00),         label: "transit school"       }, {         key: "t1",         "wday": 1,         "begin": hm(6.00),         "end": hm(7.00),         label: "rising, dress etc"       }, {         key: "t2",         "wday": 1,         "begin": hm(17.00),         "end": hm(18.00),         label: "call"       },        {         key: "w1",         "wday": 2,         "begin": hm(6.00),         "end": hm(7.00),         'color': 0,         label: "rising, dress etc"       }, {         key: "w2",         "wday": 2,         "begin": hm(7.00),         "end": hm(7.30),         'color': 0,         label: "prep sophie"       }, {         key: "w3",         "wday": 2,         "begin": hm(7.30),         "end": hm(8.00),         'color': 1,         label: "transit school"       }, {         key: "w4",         "wday": 2,         "begin": hm(8.00),         "end": hm(9.00),         'color': 2,         label: "read emails"       }, {         key: "w5",         "wday": 2,         "begin": hm(9.00),         "end": hm(10.00),         'color': 2,         label: "write emails"       }, {         key: "w6",         "wday": 2,         "begin": hm(10.00),         "end": hm(13.00),         'color': 3,         label: "job"       }, {         key: "w7",         "wday": 2,         "begin": hm(13.00),         "end": hm(14.00),         'color': 4,         label: "lunch & meditation"       }, {         key: "w8",         "wday": 2,         "begin": hm(14.00),         "end": hm(15.00),         'color': 5,         label: "pick sophie & home"       }, {         key: "w9",         "wday": 2,         "begin": hm(15.00),         "end": hm(18.00),         'color': 0,         label: "clean"       }, {         key: "wa",         "wday": 2,         "begin": hm(18.00),         "end": hm(19.00),         'color': 0,         label: "plan"       }, {         key: "wb",         "wday": 2,         "begin": hm(19.00),         "end": hm(20.00),         'color': 0,         label: "wrap: read email & clean"       },        {         key: "r1",         "wday": 3,         "begin": hm(6.00),         "end": hm(7.00),         label: "rising, dress etc"       },        {         key: "f1",         "wday": 4,         "begin": hm(6.00),         "end": hm(7.00),         label: "rising, dress etc"       }     ];     timedata = timedata.sort(function(a, b) {       var o = d3.ascending(a.wday, b.wday);       return o === 0 ? d3.ascending(a.begin, b.begin) : o;     });     // spacing out times 5 minutes... see display     // var timedatamap =, function(d) {return d.key;});     // timedatamap.foreach(function(k,v) {v.end.setminutes(v.end.getminutes()-5);});     // timedata = timedatamap.values();     var scale, colors = d3.scale.category10();     colors.range(d3.range(10).map(       function(i) {         return d3.rgb(colors(i)).brighter(1.25).tostring();       }));      function d3updatescales() {       var svg ='#timeblock')[0][0],         margin = {           top: 25,           right: 80,           bottom: 25,           left: 80         },         width = svg.clientwidth - margin.left - margin.right,         height = svg.clientheight - - margin.bottom;       return scale = {         margin: margin,         width: width,         height: height,         time: d3.time.scale.utc() // not d3.scale.linear()           .domain([d3.min(timedata, function(d) {               return d.begin             }),             d3.max(timedata, function(d) {               return d.end             })           ])           .rangeround([0, height]),         days: d3.scale.ordinal()           .domain(weekdayseq)           .rangepoints([0, width]),         week: d3.scale.ordinal()           .domain(weekdayseq)           .rangeroundbands([0, width], 0.05),       }     }      function d3update() {       var scale = d3updatescales();        // update…       var svg ='#timeblock');       if ('g.view')[0][0] == null) {         svg.append('g').attr('class', 'view').attr('transform', 'translate(' + scale.margin.left + ',' + + ')');       }       var g ='g.view').selectall('')         .data(timedata);        // enter…       var ge = g.enter()         .append("g")         .attr('class', 'data');        ge.append("rect")         .attr("x", function(d) {           return scale.week(weekdaydef[d.wday]) + (scale.week.rangeband() / 2)         })         .attr("y", function(d) {           var e = new date(d.end);           e.setminutes(e.getminutes() - 5);           return scale.time(d.begin) + ((scale.time(e) - scale.time(d.begin)) / 2)         })         .attr("width", 0)         .attr("height", 0)         .attr("style", function(d) {           return ("color" in d) ? "fill:" + colors(d.color) : null         })       ge.append("text")         .attr("dy", "1.1em")         .text(function(d) {           return d.label;         });        // exit…       g.exit().remove();        // update…"rect")         .transition()         .attr("x", function(d) {           return scale.week(weekdaydef[d.wday])         })         .attr("y", function(d) {           return scale.time(d.begin)         })         .attr("width", function(d) {           return scale.week.rangeband()         })         .attr("height", function(d) {           var e = new date(d.end);           e.setminutes(e.getminutes() - 5);           return (scale.time(e) - scale.time(d.begin))         })"text")         .transition()         .attr("x", function(d) {           return scale.week(weekdaydef[d.wday]) + 5         })         .attr("y", function(d) {           return scale.time(d.begin)         });        axesaddorupdate(svg);     }      function axesaddorupdate(svg) {       var xaxis_t = d3.svg.axis().scale(scale.week).ticksize(13).orient('top'),         yaxis_r = d3.svg.axis().scale(scale.time).ticksize(7).orient('right'),         xaxis_b = d3.svg.axis().scale(scale.week).ticksize(13),         yaxis_l = d3.svg.axis().scale(scale.time).ticksize(7).orient('left');       // global axes array contains top, right, bottom, left axis.       if (null == axes[0]) {         axes[0] = svg.append("g").attr('class', 'axis')           .attr('transform', 'translate(' + string(scale.margin.left) + ',' + string( + ')')           .call(xaxis_t);       } else {         axes[0].transition().call(xaxis_t);       }       if (null == axes[2]) {         axes[2] = svg.append("g").attr('class', 'axis')           .attr('transform', 'translate(' + string(scale.margin.left) + ',' + string(scale.height + + ')')           .call(xaxis_b);       } else {         axes[2].transition().call(xaxis_b);       }       if (null == axes[3]) {         axes[3] = svg.append("g").attr('class', 'axis')           .attr('transform', 'translate(' + string(scale.margin.left - 5) + ',' + string( + ')')           .call(yaxis_l);       } else {         axes[3].transition().call(yaxis_l);       }       if (null == axes[1]) {         axes[1] = svg.append("g").attr('class', 'axis')           .attr('transform', 'translate(' + string(scale.margin.left + scale.width + 5) + ',' + string( + ')')           .call(yaxis_r);       } else {         axes[1].transition().call(yaxis_r);       }     }      window.onload = d3update;'#b_rotate').on("click", function(d, i, t) {       weekdayseq.push(weekdayseq.shift());       d3update();     }); 


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