java - Overriding time from settings page -

i want override time settings page app screen. attaching 2 pictures 1 app screen time need override , second 1 settings pagethis 1st picture i.e; app screen time need override here.. if want change 5:00 pm how can it?this second image settings page when input time here time need change in first image

so here think trying achieve,

1.have 1 page in app (i.e. first image) show current time. want page change according time set on phone.

use following code system time

calendar c = calendar.getinstance(); simpledateformat df = new simpledateformat("hh:mm a"); string formattedtime = df.format(c.gettime()); // formatteddate have current date/time textview.settext(formattedtime); //set time view 

using above code can have view set time system time. ps make sure set time in onresume() method of activity well


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