java - Find number of unique routes to specific node using Depth First Search -
i have directed graph vertexes 123456. using depth first search, if wanted able find number of unique routes 1-4 (for example), how go doing it? here current dfs.
private final map<character, node> mnodes; private final list<edge> medges; private list<node> mvisited = new arraylist<>(); int weight; int numberofpaths; public depthfirstsearch(graph graph){ mnodes = graph.getnodes(); medges = new arraylist<>(graph.getedges()); for(node node : mnodes.values()){ node.setvisited(false); } } public void depthfirstsearch(node source){ source.setvisited(true); list<edge> neighbours = source.getneighbouringedges(medges); for(edge edge : neighbours){ system.out.println(edge.getfrom().getname()+"-"+edge.getto().getname()); if(!edge.getto().isvisited()){ mvisited.add(edge.getto()); weight += edge.getweight(); depthfirstsearch(edge.getto()); } } }
since cycles aren't allowed, have dag (directed acyclid graph).
these questions related topic:
basically, idea topological sort of dag, iterate nodes starting destination node backwards source node, calculating how many paths node.
since array haven't cycles , nodes topological sorted, when visit node, nodes can reached node appears latter in sort , visited. so, count of paths node target sum of counts of nodes adjacent it.
class graph { private list<node> nodes; private list<edge> edges; public graph() { nodes = new arraylist<>(); edges = new arraylist<>(); } public list<node> getnodes() { return nodes; } public list<edge> getedges() { return edges; } public void addnode(node node) { nodes.add(node); } public void addedge(edge edge) { edges.add(edge); edge.getfrom().addedge(edge); edge.getto().addedge(edge); } } class node { private list<edge> outgoings, incomings; public node() { outgoings = new arraylist<>(); incomings = new arraylist<>(); } public list<edge> getoutgoings() { return outgoings; } public list<edge> getincomings() { return incomings; } public void addedge(edge edge) { if (edge.getfrom() == this) outgoings.add(edge); if (edge.getto() == this) incomings.add(edge); } } class edge { private node from, to; public edge(node from, node to) { this.from = from; = to; } public node getfrom() { return from; } public node getto() { return to; } }
static int countpaths(graph graph, node source, node target) { list<node> nodes = topologicalsort(graph); int[] counts = new int[nodes.size()]; int srcindex = nodes.indexof(source); int tgtindex = nodes.indexof(target); counts[tgtindex] = 1; (int = tgtindex; >= srcindex; i--) { (edge edge : nodes.get(i).getoutgoings()) counts[i] += counts[nodes.indexof(edge.getto())]; } return counts[srcindex]; } static list<node> topologicalsort(graph g) { list<node> result = new arraylist<>(); set<node> visited = new hashset<>(); set<node> expanded = new hashset<>(); (node node: g.getnodes()) explore(node, g, result, visited, expanded); return result; } static void explore(node node, graph g, list<node> ordering, set<node> visited, set<node> expanded) { if (visited.contains(node)) { if (expanded.contains(node)) return; throw new illegalargumentexception("graph contains cycle."); } visited.add(node); (edge edge: node.getincomings()) explore(edge.getfrom(), g, ordering, visited, expanded); ordering.add(node); expanded.add(node); }
graph g = new graph(); node = new node(); node b = new node(); node c = new node(); node d = new node(); node e = new node(); edge ab = new edge(a, b); edge bc = new edge(b, c); edge cd = new edge(c, d); edge ad = new edge(a, d); edge ae = new edge(a, e); edge ed = new edge(e, d); edge = new edge(b, e); edge ec = new edge(e, c); g.addnode(a); g.addnode(b); g.addnode(c); g.addnode(d); g.addnode(e); g.addedge(ab); g.addedge(bc); g.addedge(cd); g.addedge(ad); g.addedge(ae); g.addedge(ed); g.addedge(be); g.addedge(ec); int count = countpaths(g, a, d); //count: 6 // paths: //1. a->b->c->d //2. a->d //3. a->e->d //4. a->b->e->c->d //5. a->b->e->d //6. a->e->c->d
but, if want using bfs, can try doing backtrack resetting visited nodes:
static int countpaths(graph graph, node source, node target) { set<node> visiteds = new hashset<>(); return bfs(source, target, visiteds); } static int bfs(node current, node target, set<node> visiteds) { if (current == target) return 1; else { int count = 0; visiteds.add(current); (edge edge : current.getoutgoings()) if (!visiteds.contains(edge.getto())) count += bfs(edge.getto(), target, visiteds); visiteds.remove(current); return count; } }
however, increase performance, can implement kind of memoization:
static int countpaths(graph graph, node source, node target) { set<node> visiteds = new hashset<>(); map<node, integer> memoize = new hashmap<>(); (node node : graph.getnodes()) memoize.put(node, -1); memoize.put(target, 1); return bfs(source, visiteds, memoize); } static int bfs(node current, set<node> visiteds, map<node, integer> memoize) { if (memoize.get(current) != -1) return memoize.get(current); else { int count = 0; visiteds.add(current); (edge edge : current.getoutgoings()) if (!visiteds.contains(edge.getto())) count += bfs(edge.getto(), visiteds, memoize); visiteds.remove(current); memoize.put(current, count); return count; } }
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