Heroku Error during websocket handshake 503 -

i'm trying connect websockets in heroku it's saying error during websocket handshake: unexpected response code: 503. error in dev tools 'service unavailable'.

server code

var wss = new websocketserver({server: app,  port:5001}); 

client code(i replacing port 5001 well)

  var host = location.origin           .replace(/^http/, 'ws')           .replace('5000','5001');   var ws = new websocket(host); 

i've did same in development , managed connect. troubleshoot? thanks.

apparently, stupid mistake side. did follow example on here , ok..

basically, omitted part code:

// app.listen(config.port, function(){     // console.log("app started on port " + config.port); }); 

and included instead

var server = http.createserver(app); server.listen(config.port); 


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