cocoapods - During Pod Installation `AFNetworking (~> 3.0)` is not used in any concrete target -

recently i've installed cocoapods v 1.0.0 in mac successfully, trying install 'afnetworking', '~> 3.0' dependency in pod file of project directory. i've created successfully, putting following code in pod file

source '' platform :ios, '8.0'  pod 'afnetworking', '~> 3.0' 

but when write pod install in terminal giving me following error

[!] dependency `afnetworking (~> 3.0)` not used in concrete target. 

could suggest me why getting error & how resolve issue?

after submitting question, further explored solution & come know @ "" should write code in podefile

target 'myapp'   pod 'afnetworking', '~> 3.0' end 

instead of above found @ github afnetworking official dependency installation guide.

but curious why official afnetworking method not works installation in project? answer please?

anyway cocoapods official website.


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