cassandra - SSTableSimpleUnsortedWriter and column family comparator -

am trying use sstableloader, cf created cql this:

create table test (     text,     b text,     c text,     d int,     e set<text>,     f text,     primary key ((a, b) c, d)) 

how should define column family comparator in sstablesimpleunsortedwriter ? or more specific how work when column defined set ?

sstablesimpleunsortedwriter(file directory,                                    ipartitioner partitioner,                                    string keyspace,                                    string columnfamily,                                    abstracttype<?> comparator,                                    abstracttype<?> subcomparator,                                    int buffersizeinmb,                                    compressionparameters compressparameters) 

you have @ how row stored internally storage engine -- inserting sample data, listing cli, should help, reading

the "right" solution create cql-aware writer.


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