masking - How to do a masked query in Elasticsearch? -

for example, storing user passports in elasticsearch. stored consecutive letters , digits of following format: aaddddddd. 2 alphabet , 7 digits.

user interested in search mention specific values specific positions. example, want search passport numbers have 'a' @ beginning, '7' in third position , '0' in last position. this:


how generate efficient query this? need create custom analyzer this?

so far i've done inserted space in between characters , searching index position, seems costly operation me.

how efficient query need? if data not big can try regexp query

other suggest use document array of symbols , places. ex.

   {         'code' : [            {'pos':1, 'symbol':a},{'pos':2, 'symbol':b}, ...         ]     }  

then can use bool filter, , efficiently use filter cache


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