c# - why does parse function return o? -

i new c# programming , bumped 1 problem looks pretty basic.i store string value sv_1 in variable lastserviceno , split using split function , result stored in string array called index.basically index[1] has numeric value bt string. want convert string int. in following code , behaves expected until parse function encountered.i not understand why parse function returning 0 index[1] has numeric value in it. can point problem please??

public string generateserviceno() {     dataaccesslayer.dataaccesslayer dlobj= new dataaccesslayer.dataaccesslayer();     string lastserviceno = dlobj.getlastserviceno();     string[] index = lastserviceno.split('_');     int lastindex = int.parse(index[1]);     return "sv_"+(lastindex++).tostring(); } 

int.parse(string s) throws exception if number bug in terms of data size or string "s" not in correct numerical format.

the format method accepts "[ws][sign]number[ws]" where:

  • [ws] optional 1 or more whitespace(" ")
  • [sign] optional "+" or "-"

check here full reference.

thus said, can assure if int.parse(index[1]) returns 0 means index[1] equals "[ws][sign]0[ws]" using transcript above.

however, looking @ code, can conclude you're incrementing local variable after assignment without using incremented value afterwards. perhaps meant operation shouldn't 0?

if that's case believe you're trying achieve:

public string generateserviceno()  {     dataaccesslayer.dataaccesslayer dlobj= new dataaccesslayer.dataaccesslayer();      string lastserviceno = dlobj.getlastserviceno();     string[] index = lastserviceno.split('_');     int lastindex = int.parse(index[1]);      return string.format("sv_{0}", ++lastindex); } 

assuming index[1] == "0", method return "sv_1".


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