java - javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException playing OGG files with javazoom -

i'm attempting play ogg audio files using answer question here: playing ogg files in eclipse

using javazoom library downloaded , configured project, attempting use xav's answer code:

import; import javax.sound.sampled.audioformat; import javax.sound.sampled.audioinputstream; import javax.sound.sampled.audiosystem; import javax.sound.sampled.dataline; import javax.sound.sampled.sourcedataline; import javazoom.spi.propertiescontainer;  public class oggplayer { public final string filename;  public boolean muststop = false;   public oggplayer(string pfilename) {     filename = pfilename; }  public void play() throws exception {     muststop = false;     file file = new file(filename);     audioinputstream audioinputstream = audiosystem.getaudioinputstream(file);     if (audioinputstream == null) {         throw new exception("unable audio input stream");     }     audioformat baseformat = audioinputstream.getformat();     audioformat decodedformat = new audioformat(audioformat.encoding.pcm_signed,         baseformat.getsamplerate(), 16, baseformat.getchannels(),         baseformat.getchannels() * 2, baseformat.getsamplerate(), false);     audioinputstream decodedaudioinputstream = audiosystem.getaudioinputstream(decodedformat,         audioinputstream);     if (!(decodedaudioinputstream instanceof propertiescontainer)) {         throw new exception("wrong propertiescontainer instance");     } datalineinfo = new, decodedformat);     sourcedataline sourcedataline = (sourcedataline) audiosystem.getline(datalineinfo);;      byte[] tempbuffer = new byte[4096];      // start     sourcedataline.start();     int nbreadbytes = 0;     while (nbreadbytes != -1) {         if (muststop) {             break;         }         nbreadbytes =, 0, tempbuffer.length);         if (nbreadbytes != -1)             sourcedataline.write(tempbuffer, 0, nbreadbytes);     }      // stop     sourcedataline.drain();     sourcedataline.stop();     sourcedataline.close();     decodedaudioinputstream.close();     audioinputstream.close(); }  public void setmuststop(boolean pmuststop) {     muststop = pmuststop; }  public void stop() {     muststop = true; }  } 

the code makes sense me, having trouble using it. can't seem class read ogg file, , i've modified various ways in attempts make function. read wav files in same project, reading files with

audioinputstream audioin = audiosystem.getaudioinputstream(thread.currentthread().getcontextclassloader().getresource("res/audio/" + filename + ".wav")); 

i've attempted variations of this, using file class, reading resources, , can locate ogg file in project, keep throwing exception

javax.sound.sampled.unsupportedaudiofileexception: not audio input stream input url 

this fourth or fifth attempt in getting audio play non-wav audio in project. tried playing mp3s mediaplayer , few other ways, , second method method of trying play ogg files. i'm trying play large, long music tracks background, , cannot run them other wav sound effects due file size.

any in playing these ogg files immensely appreciated. feel close goal attempt, seems simple , solid, refuses read files correctly. thank in advance assistance.

here's method read mp3 , ogg files - play files vorbis format not flac; have put check there - not files ending .ogg supported:

import javazoom.spi.vorbis.sampled.file.vorbisaudiofilereader; import javazoom.spi.mpeg.sampled.file.mpegaudiofilereader; import org.tritonus.share.sampled.file.taudiofilereader; import org.tritonus.sampled.file.auaudiofilereader;    audioinputstream createoggmp3(file filein) throws ioexception, exception {     audioinputstream audioinputstream=null;     audioformat targetformat=null;     try {       audioinputstream in=null;       if(filein.getname().endswith(".ogg")) {         vorbisaudiofilereader vb=new vorbisaudiofilereader();         in=vb.getaudioinputstream(filein);       }       else if(filein.getname().endswith(".mp3")) {         mpegaudiofilereader mp=new mpegaudiofilereader();         in=mp.getaudioinputstream(filein);       }       audioformat baseformat=in.getformat();       targetformat=new audioformat(               audioformat.encoding.pcm_signed,               baseformat.getsamplerate(),               16,               baseformat.getchannels(),               baseformat.getchannels() * 2,               baseformat.getsamplerate(),               false);       audioinputstream=audiosystem.getaudioinputstream(targetformat, in);     }     catch(unsupportedaudiofileexception ue) { system.out.println("\nunsupported audio"); }     return audioinputstream;   } 

it returns audio input stream can use follows:

if(filein.getname().endswith(".ogg") || filein.getname().endswith(".mp3")) {   audioinputstream=createoggmp3(filein); } else { // wav     audioinputstream=audiosystem.getaudioinputstream(filein);   } 

your decoded audio format is


and can continue sourcedataline.


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