python - Merge rows in dataframe -

part of csv-file ('data.csv') have process, looks this:

parent_id,parent_name,type,companyname,custsupid,streetaddress 3,customer,,,c0010, 3,customer,a,,, 3,customer,,ace systems,, 3,customer,,,,straat 10 7,customer,,,q8484, 7,customer,b,,, 7,customer,,xyz automat,, 7,customer,,,,laan 99 

to import file dataframe do:

df = pd.read_csv('data.csv').fillna('')

this results in:

------------------------------------------------------------------ | |parent_id|parent_name|type|companyname|custsupid|streetaddress| ------------------------------------------------------------------ |0|3        |customer   |    |           |c0010    |             | |1|3        |customer   |a   |           |         |             | |2|3        |customer   |    |ace systems|         |             | |3|3        |customer   |    |           |         |straat 10    | |4|7        |customer   |    |           |q8484    |             | |5|7        |customer   |b   |           |         |             | |6|7        |customer   |    |xyz automat|         |             | |7|7        |customer   |    |           |         |laan 99      | ------------------------------------------------------------------ 

however, want end with, dataframe looks this:

------------------------------------------------------------------ | |parent_id|parent_name|type|companyname|custsupid|streetaddress| ------------------------------------------------------------------ |0|3        |customer   |a   |ace systems|c0010    |straat 10    | |1|7        |customer   |b   |xyz automat|q8484    |laan 99      | ------------------------------------------------------------------ 

i tried df.groupby etc. can't produce desired result.

is there way accomplish pandas dataframe?

in [37]: df.groupby(['parent_id', 'parent_name']).sum() out[37]:                        type  companyname custsupid streetaddress parent_id parent_name                                           3         customer        ace systems     c0010     straat 10 7         customer       b  xyz automat     q8484       laan 99 

sum adding strings together, , relies on fact adding empty strings non-empty string returns non-empty string.


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