php - How to attach a Laravel blade view in mail -

i'm trying attach blade view when send mail. i'm using laravel 4. tried this:

mail::send(     "emails.clientemail",     $data,     function($message) use ($data,$template,$subject) {         $message->to($data['email'], $data['name'])             ->from($template['from'],$template['from_name'])             ->subject($subject)             ->attach(app_path().'/views/email.blade.php');     } ); 

but view email.blade.php in blade template , doesn't display html code.

how should send , display html?

as metioned can use attachdata , add rendered data like:

$rendereddata = view('email')->render();  mail::send(         "emails.clienteail",         $data,         function($message) use ($data,$template,$subject) {             $message->to($data['email'], $data['name'])                 ->from($template['from'],$template['from_name'])                 ->subject($subject)                 ->attachdata($rendereddata, 'name_of_attachment');         }     ); 


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