javascript - Data Structure for storing partial urls where search speed is the priority -

we have large database of partial urls (strings) such as:

  • ""

  • ""

  • "/foo.js"

our software listens http requests , tries find 1 of our database's partial urls in http request's full url.

so getting full urls (i.e.:") , trying match 1 of our database's partial patterns on it.

which best data structure store our partial urls database on if care search speed?

right now, do:

  • iterating through entire database of partial urls (strings) , using indexof (in javascript) see if full url contains each partial string.


this software extension firefox written in javascript on firefox's addon sdk.

assuming partial strings domain names and/or page names try generate possible combinations url starting end:  blaj.js 

then hash combinations, store them in array , try find of them in array contains hashes of partial strings database.


in case want match string in url, ample in becomes little complicated in terms of storage, because random combinations of strings in url combination formula

where n length of url , k length of string find. according this question maximum reasonable length of url 2000 characters. , assuming want match random string you'd have k vary 1 2000 result in large amount of hashes generated url - sum of n on k each k 1 2000. or more precisely - 2000! / (k!*(2000-k)!) different hashes


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