I cannot display a javascript variable to a <p>? -

i don't know wrong code had reference of codes , done cannot display variable pharagraph?

this code on script:

<script type="text/javascript">     var myid = document.getelementbyid('myid').value; //      var scope = 'global';      function testscope() {       var scope = 'local';          function innerfunc() {           return scope;                    }                                 return innerfunc();      }      var answer = testscope();       myid.innerhtml = answer; </script> 

on html

<p id="myid"><!-- no variable displayed --></p> 

what doing wrong?

use document.getelementbyid('myid') instead of document.getelementbyid('myid').value. because <p> element hasn't value property

function checkfunctionscope() {    var myid = document.getelementbyid('myid');    var scope = 'global';      function testscope() {        var scope = 'local';        function innerfunc() {        return scope;      }        return innerfunc();    }      var answer = testscope();      myid.innerhtml = answer;  }    window.onload = checkfunctionscope;
<p id="myid">    <!-- no variable displayed -->  </p>


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