cordova - DEP0001 : Unexpected Error: -2147023436 While deploying Universal Windows App to Windows 10 Mobile -

the error message

severity code description project file line suppression state error dep0001 : unexpected error: -2147023436

enter image description here

what did

i installed xamarin in visual studio 2015 , while installation took in latest updates. , on started facing errors, 1 after another. initial errors related somehow visual studio update 2 deleted deleting service named ipoverusbsvc

but have managed solve problem downloading latest windows 10 sdk , running windows ip on usb-x86_en-us.msi installer.

so, this question not issue, ipoverusbsvc , running.

but facing new issue , no available on google. putting here, gets work around others help.

my code running fine on local machine. facing error when trying deploy on phone. universal windows app built cordova.

and visual studio configuration

enter image description here

everything working fine till before update.

any idea? anyone?

[i find no way revert update. option seems uninstalling , reinstalling whole vs2015] :p

edit / update 1

i turned radio button options related usb , network discovery (inside security) on phone. error has become,

dep6701 : bootstrapping failed unexpected error: 'the system cannot find path specified 'bin\arm\dbghelp.dll'

looks has gone missing somewhere due last update.

i had same problem, restart device , problem solved


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