cocoa - How to allow only one window in GUI in Swift -

i connected menu-object window controller. calling window controller, i've added shortcut. on pressing shortcut multiple times, multiple windows opened. how call function, counts number of windows, , if it's 0, it'll open window controller, on pressing shortcut?

i'm using swift programming language.

you have static variable incremented on successful initialization of view , decrements on deinit of view. can check value in guard statement before initialization or set menu availability based on variable.

class windowcontroller: nswindowcontroller {   static var count = 0    override func windowdidload() {     windowcontroller.count += 1   }    deinit {     windowcontroller.count -= 1   } }  func createwindow() {   guard windowcontroller.count = 0 else { return }   // create window here } 


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