angular - Share API Data with child Component -

i pulling data api using service in angular 2 rc1.. gets pulled main component share data other components children of main template.. have made attempt inputs think using them incorrectly can steer me right direction on here.. @ moment making call api in both main , child component

--- main component

            import {component} '@angular/core';             import {projectsmainapi} "../../../services/projects-main";             import { routeconfig, routeparams, router_directives, router_providers } '@angular/router-deprecated';             import {projectmetainfocomponent} "./projectmetainfocomponent";               declare var jquery: any;              interface projectresult {                 project: object             }              @component({                 selector: 'projects',                 templateurl: './app/components/projects/details/project-single.html',                 directives: [router_directives, projectmetainfocomponent]             })              export class projectdetailscomponent {                 project: object = {};                 constructor(private _api: projectsmainapi, private _params: routeparams) {                      this._api.getsingleportfolio( _params.get("slug") ).then(                         (res: projectresult) => {                             this.project = res.project[0];                            console.log(this.project);                         },                         (error) => {                             console.error(error);                         }                     )                 }             } 

--child component

            import {component} '@angular/core';             import { routeconfig, routeparams, router_directives, router_providers } '@angular/router-deprecated';             import {projectsmainapi} "../../../services/projects-main";             import { runtimecompiler} '@angular/compiler/src/runtime_compiler';               interface projectresult {                 project: object             }               @component({                 selector: 'project-meta',                 template: `                     <section class="sector intro-pad margin-temp" id="projects-header">                         <div class="row">                             <div class="portfolio-wrap hentry rh-blue-bg white-fg">                                 <div class="breadcrumb">                                     <ul class="list-reset">                                         <li>                                             <div id="main-breadcrumbs" xmlns:v="">                                                 <span typeof="v:breadcrumb"><a rel="v:url" property="v:title" href="/">home</a></span> |                                                  <span typeof="v:breadcrumb"><a rel="v:url" property="v:title" href="/#/project">projects</a></span> |                                                    <span class="current" *ngif="title">{{ title }}</span>                                             </div>                                         </li>                                     </ul>                                 </div>                                 <div class="portfolio-introduction-block">                                     <h1 class="project-header" *ngif="title">{{ title }}</h1>                                     <div class="pinfo">                                         <h2 class="proj-heading rh-blue-lite-fg"><span>intro...</span></h2>                                         <p *ngif="title">{{ title }}</p>                                     </div>                                     <ul class="list-reset project-meta">                                         <li class="title rh-blue-lite-fg" *ngif="headerone">{{ headerone }}</li>                                         <li class="metainfos grey-fg" *ngif="infoone">{{ infoone }}</li>                                         <li class="title rh-blue-lite-fg" *ngif="headertwo">{{ headertwo }}</li>                                         <li class="metainfos grey-fg" *ngif="infotwo">{{ infotwo }}</li>                                         <li class="title rh-blue-lite-fg" *ngif="headerthree">{{ headerthree }}</li>                                         <li class="metainfos grey-fg" *ngif="infothree">{{ infothree }}</li>                                         <li class="title rh-blue-lite-fg" *ngif="headerfour">{{ headerfour }}</li>                                         <li class="metainfos grey-fg" *ngif="infofour">{{ infofour }}</li>                                         <li class="title rh-blue-lite-fg" *ngif="headerfive">{{ headerfive }}</li>                                         <li class="metainfos grey-fg" *ngif="infofive">{{ infofive }}</li>                                         <li class="title rh-blue-lite-fg" *ngif="headersix">{{ headersix }}</li>                                         <li class="metainfos grey-fg" *ngif="infosix">{{ infosix }}</li>                                         <li class="metainfos">visit</li>                                     </ul>                                 </div>                             </div>                         </div>                     </section>                 `             })              export class projectmetainfocomponent {                 title: object       = {};                 headerone: object   = {};                 headertwo: object   = {};                 headerthree: object = {};                 headerfour: object  = {};                 headerfive: object  = {};                 headersix: object   = {};                  infoone: object     = {};                 infotwo: object     = {};                 infothree: object   = {};                 infofour: object    = {};                 infofive: object    = {};                 infosix: object     = {};                constructor(private _api: projectsmainapi, private _params: routeparams, private _runtimecompiler: runtimecompiler) {                      this._runtimecompiler.clearcache();                      this._api.getsingleportfolio(_params.get("slug")).then(                         (res: projectresult) => {                             this.title       = res.project[0].title;                              this.headerone   = res.project[0].meta_header_one;                             this.headertwo   = res.project[0].meta_header_two;                             this.headerthree = res.project[0].meta_header_three;                             this.headerfour  = res.project[0].meta_header_four;                             this.headerfive  = res.project[0].meta_header_five;                             this.headersix   = res.project[0].meta_header_six;                              this.infoone     = res.project[0].meta_info_one;                             this.infotwo     = res.project[0].meta_info_two;                             this.infothree   = res.project[0].meta_info_three;                             this.infofour    = res.project[0].meta_info_four;                             this.infofive    = res.project[0].meta_info_five;                             this.infosix     = res.project[0].meta_info_six;                         },                         (error) => {                             console.error(error);                         }                     )                 }             } 

you can send data parent child using input

<child-component [input]="api_result_variable"></child-component> 

in child directive can use @input data


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