tfs2012 - TFS 2012 Build Definition for web deployment ignores parameters defined in project files -

i'm trying set tfs 2012 build definition build solution , deploy several web apps within solution. came across this article seems address i'm trying , seems agree solution mentioned here.

so tried implementing build definition/project configuration described in article, no matter do, seems ignoring parameters put in specific configuration property group of csproj files this:

<propertygroup condition=" '$(configuration)|$(platform)' == 'myconfig|anycpu' ">   ...   <deployiisapppath>my website name</deployiisapppath>   <msdeployserviceurl>mywebserver</msdeployserviceurl> </propertygroup> 

i following error each project i’m trying deploy:

web deploy publish/package validating error: missing or invalid property value $(msdeployserviceurl) 

so tried defining msdeployserviceurl in msbuild arguments of build definition instead of in csproj files. solved above error, error:

the “concatfullserviceurlwithsitename” task not given value required parameter “siteappname”. 

so not reading deployiisapppath parameter csproj file either, , can’t move msbuild arguments line because different each project i’m trying deploy.

its if deployment process unaware of configuration i’m building, can’t find correct propertygroup in csproj files read paramters from. however, have specified configuration in “configurations build” line of build definition, , i’ve tried adding /p:configuration=myconfig msbuild arguments line, , doesn’t seem solve problem.


ok, seems tfs doesn't recognize configurations defined in solution. when go select "configurations build" in build definition, drop-down list in configuration column in dialog showing default "debug" , "release". have half dozen or other configurations defined in our solution aren't showing up. tried typing in configuration manually, , double checked spelling correct. builds, doesn't use right configuration (the wrong web.config transform applied). explains why not reading build properties correct propertygroup in project files.

could problem our tfs installation/configuration? should solution-defined configurations show in drop-down list, or have manually type in custom configuration names first time?

i managed solve issue myself removing/recreating our solution/project configurations configuration manager

apparently wrong our solution configurations screwed attempts use them build definition. best guess when created, copy/pasted existing configuration, missed in process , still somehow pointing original source configuration. not 1 created them, can't sure went wrong.

anyway, saved backups of propertygroup xml each configuration each project file, removed each configuration solution , each project via configuration manager. recreated each configuration, , restored propertygroups in each project backups. build definitions reading build properties correct propertygroups, , performing correct transform on web.config.


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