Original domain in periodic triangulation with CGAL -

i have questions regarding periodic triangulation in cgal.

1) according understanding of manual examples (http://doc.cgal.org/latest/periodic_2_triangulation_2/examples.html) , reference manual if don't use iso_rectangle in constructing triangles, (0,0,1,1) chosen default value, right?

2) meaning of statement manual? "input point required element of half-open square representing original domain"

3) "another effect when algorithm switches 9-sheeted covering 1-sheeted covering vertex_handles , face_handles referencing deleted items becomes invalid", mean if have vertex circulator in code, adjacent vertices in periodic boxes, neglected , not displayed in output?

1) yes triangulation_2 (const iso_rectangle &domain=iso_rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1), const geom_traits &traits=geom_traits()) http://doc.cgal.org/latest/periodic_2_triangulation_2/classcgal_1_1periodic__2__triangulation__2.html#a1e9c60f7c9844a33edff96b95aeb6c85

2) insert functions have precondition ensuring input points in half-open square defined in secrtion 1 of user manual http://doc.cgal.org/latest/periodic_2_triangulation_2/index.html#title0

3) not sure understand mean "neglected". when triangulation in 1-sheeted covering mode, each vertex/face stored once, without copy, iterators/circulators traverse triangulation directly in flat torus. vertex circulator, adjacent vertices.


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