javascript - How to use filterBy in Vue.js -

i putting simple book sorter app , having trouble using filterby filter. filter works fine filtering non-fiction genre reason not work fiction. want display book titles , authors, , in input field, filter through list of books being displayed genre. if write fiction in input field, should display fiction books. view looks like:

       <div id="app">             <h1>{{title}}</h1>               <div id="input">                <input type="text" v-model="genre" placeholder="search fiction/non-fiction">             </div>              <div id="display-books" v-for=" book in books | filterby genre in 'genre' ">                <span>title: {{book.title}}</span>                <span>author: {{}}</span>               </div>       </div> 

and here app.js:

var appdata = {    title: 'book sorter',   filters: 'search filter',   filtertext: '* show title if book available',   genre: '',   books:     [       {genre: "fiction", title: "the hobbit", author: "j.r.r tolkien", available: false},       {genre: "non-fiction", title: "homage catalonia", author: "george orwell", available: true},       {genre: "non-fiction", title: "the tipping point", author: "malcolm gladwell", available: false},       {genre: "fiction", title: "lord of flies", author: "william golding", available: true},       {genre: "fiction", title: "the call of wild", author: "jack london", available: true}        ]  } new vue({    el: "#app",    data: appdata,  }); 

there no problem setup, vue's filterby working fine in example. when type fiction, show books because have word fiction in genre, meaning that: fiction , non-fiction both contains fiction, returning true.

create custom filter this:

vue.filter('match', function (value, input) {   return input ? value.filter(function(item) {      return item.genre === input ? value : null;   }) : value; }); 

and change selection input dropdown:

<select v-model="genre">     <option value="" selected>select genre</option>      <option value="fiction">fiction</option>     <option value="non-fiction">non-fiction</option> </select> 

here fiddle implementing it:


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