html - 100% wide Footer, outside main wrap, must extend to bottom of page -

there lots of info footer 100% wide or extend 100% bottom of browser.

my problem little different.

all content of site wrapped in max-width container. client wants footer 100% wide , if page info short, footer must stretch bottom of page.

so have put footer outside main container can go right across width of page. means can't use the

html , body {height:100%;} 

option because making footer 100% high not outside main container.

so, ignoring main container, how tell standalone 100% wide footer fill page bottom of browser if page short fill screen top bottom? how footer fill gap on bottom?

here simple copy of code:

<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>untitled document</title>  <style>      #main {         height: 100px;         max-width: 900px;         background-color: blue;         margin: auto;     }      footer {         width: 100%;         background-color: lightblue;         color: white;     }  </style>  </head>  <body>          <div id="main">         </div>          <footer>             footer content         </footer>  </body> </html> 

how lightblue footer go way bottom?

and please note don't want footer stick bottom, need extend bottom of browser ever on bottom of page.

jsfiddle demo

//css // footer {     width: 100%;     background-color: lightblue;     position:absolute;     color: white;     bottom:0; }  // jquery // $(function () {     var mainht = $('#main').height();     $('footer').css('top', mainht); }); 


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