sql - Use command button to open selected record on a form without filtering? -

i have continuous form displays small amount of data each record in table projectt (i.e. project name, status) , command button in footer open selected record in expanded single form (where of relevant info displayed).

at first set button using access's wizard, realized access opens selected record filtering data on form. problem once expanded form opened, want user able move other records without having select unfilter results. if change button on continuous form open expanded single form, there code can run make form open selected record without putting filter on?

initially thought set expanded form's (named projectf) default value forms!projectlistf!projectid (where projectlistf continuous form , projectid autonumber primary key projectt), not successful, think because there more 1 projectid displayed on projectlistf.

another thing consider have button on main menu form opens projectf form in data entry mode prevent user inadvertently changing/deleting existing record when trying add new one; have no idea if might important when trying find solution issue.

i'm open suggestion--i have okay handle on sql, , have delved little vba self taught. ideas? thanks!

you can open detailed form command:

docmd.openform "projectf", , , "[projectid] = " & me!projectid.value & "" 


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