shinyapps - Shiny app issue - Reading data into a server.R function -

i have list of 4 large dataframes (size 5.9mb compressed) in rdata file (dtall.rdata) trying read server.r function using code provided below, "error: [on_request_read] connection reset peer" error message" , file read single character "dtall"

when separately load dtall.rdata r global environment app runs locally. clear dtall.rddata file global environment , try app load , run error message above.

i have tried using readrds, not work either, error message: "error in readrds("data/dtall.rdata") : unknown input format

the file dtall.rdata loads correctly outside shiny scripts using function load("data/dtall.rdata"

below code of server.r function

server.r  predictor <-source("predictor.r") dtall <- load("data/dtall.rdata")   shinyserver(function(input, output) {      wordprediction <- reactive({             text <- input$input             wordprediction <- predictor(text)})     output$prediction <- renderprint(wordprediction())  }) 

thank in advance help!


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