scripting - AutoIT send() commands not working properly -

so have game client 2 input fields: id pass , 1 button: login. login credentials are: $id=1234 , $pass=a_bcd. i'm using autoit scripting automate login process (my script automatically inputs id , pass in login fields) , autologin() function looks like:

send($id + "{tab}") sleep(10) send($pass + "{enter}") 

sometimes works fine, script introduces 1234a- or 1234a_ in id field , rest of characters in pass field. tried many solutions controlsend("game","","","1234{tab}a_bcd{enter}"), or changing sleep() values, etc. input still goes wrong sometimes. figured send delay or sleep have problem, still don't know do.

manually inserting id , pass works properly. solving of problem?

2 solutions:

you add strings &:

send($id & "{tab}") send($pass & "{enter}") 

if not work separate it:

send($id) send("{tab}") send($pass) send("{enter}") 

and don't need sleep


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