Ruby on Rails, Enum user conditions from a different table -

i have enums declared follows in table separate main users table (user.rb). sign users , give them role table:


class schooluser < activerecord::base     belongs_to :user     belongs_to :school      enum user_type: [:school, :student, :parent, :teacher]  def school? end  def teacher? end  def student? end  def parent? end   end 

i don't think have define each role here tried it.

i using boolean method separate users before switched enum. used use method type restrict views based on role:

...unless current_user.teacher?... 

this worked fine have enums declared in different model users table not work.

a user has role through relationship between user.rb , school_user.rb. works. i'm looking way set access based on user role/type in views above.

i hope not presume have change conditions throughout application?

i tried:

...unless current_user.school_user.teacher?... 

and other variations.

would appreciate help. thanks.

edit: user.rb

class user < activerecord::base    devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable,          :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable    validates :first_name, presence:true,             length: {minimum: 4 }   validates :last_name, presence:true    has_many :messages, foreign_key: :sender_id   has_many :notes   has_one :school_user    accepts_nested_attributes_for :school_user 

you can delegate methods :school_user:

class user < activerecord::base   delegate :school?, :student?, :parent?, :teacher?, to: :school_user 

also, remove methods schooluser class, mentioned in comments


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