python - How can I write tests to make sure celery tasks go into the right queue -

due complicated callback/chaining setup tasks in our infrastructure seem going queues not assigned to. want write automated tests make sure celery task sent queue specified handled by.

setup example:

from celery import celery  celery = celery()  @celery.task(base=mytask, queue='mytasks.add') def add(x, y):     = x + y     return  @celery.task(base=mytask, queue='mytasks.dadd') def double_add(a, y):     b = + y  def caller(x, y):     add.apply_async(args=(2, 1), kwargs={''callback': double_add.subtask(args=(3)) }) 

so here "add" should handled queue='mytasks.add', , "double_add" should handled queue='mytasks.dadd'

i understand basic result based testing celery such shown here: how unit test celery task?

but appreciate insight testing process above scenario.


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