php - SQL query doesn't get values -

the sql query returns array in browser if there values in database. have tried query in phpmyadmin , works not in php document.

require_once('connect.php');  $query = "select `id` `questions` round='1' , year='2016'"; $sql = mysqli_query($dbconnect, $query);  $row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql, mysqli_assoc); 

almost same query works in different php documents. suggestions wrong? should query should return integers.

$query = "select `id` `questions` round='1' , year='2016'"; 

you're selecting id column. if wish echo more columns, need add them in query.


$query = "select `id`, `col2`, `col3` `questions` round=1 , year=2016"; 

then loop on results:

while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql, mysqli_assoc)) {      echo $row['id'];      // echo "<br>";     // echo $row['col2'] . "<br>";      // echo $row['col3']; } 

check errors on query , assuming successful mysqli_ connection.

other reference:


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