javascript - how would i append dropdown html/css to jquery 1 line body -

i want append dropdown box using html/css. problem have 1 id in body, therefore don't know how this. if can post example following code posted, appreciated.

i foudn i'm not sure how set id's in code , not sure if ok.

var someelement = $('<div/>', {id: 'someid'); $('canvas').after(someelement);  $('#someid').domorestuff 

here code:

    <head>      <title>jtournament</title>      <script src=""></script>       <script src="jtournament.js"></script>  <script> var matchinfo = {     "rounds": [{         "name": "round1",             "matches": [{             "p1": "bill",             "p2": "bob",             "winner": 1         }, {             "p1": "sam",             "p2": "duddly",             "winner": 2         }, {             "p1": "andy",             "p2": "biff",             "winner": 1         }, {             "p1": "phill",             "p2": "peter",             "winner": 1         }, {             "p1": "john",             "p2": "dave",             "winner": 2         }, {             "p1": "xaus",             "p2": "james",             "winner": 2         }, {             "p1": "kenny",             "p2": "nick",             "winner": 1         }, {             "p1": "fred",             "p2": "pat",             "winner": 2         }]     }, {         "name": "round2",         "matches": [{             "p1": null,             "p2": null         }, {             "p1": null,             "p2": null         }, {             "p1": null,             "p2": null         }, {             "p1": null,             "p2": null         }]     }, {         "name": "round3",         "matches": [{             "p1": null,             "p2": null         }, {             "p1": null,             "p2": null         }]     }, {         "name": "round4",         "matches": [{             "p1": null,             "p2": null         }, ]     }] }; </script>     </head     <body>  <canvas id="tournament"></canvas> </body> 

i'd add dropdown menus, can connect content dynamically. thank you

you can add new element after canvas using:

$('#tournament').after('<div id="newid"></div>'); 

now if want add can using append() function


checkout link if else required


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