ios - UITableView stops updating content while scrolling through view? -

i have uitableview works fine , updates fine. have timer updates each uitableview label , progress view, when user scrolling table view stops updating/refreshing content (labels , progress view) in uitableview until done scrolling.

in addition content not updating have found when user scrolling entire app hangs. have 2 timers , put print statement in both, neither prints when user scrolling. have not been able find swift or swift 2 solution this.

this unrelated swift whatsoever.

you scheduled nstimer using default method, results in adding runloop in way it's not triggered while scrolling. need add main runloop nsrunloopcommonmodes mode instead.


let timer = nstimer(timeinterval: 1.0, target: self, selector: #selector(update), userinfo: nil, repeats: false) nsrunloop.mainrunloop().addtimer(timer, formode: nsrunloopcommonmodes) 


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