ios - TableView cell not resizing after changing imageView height constraint based on Image height downloaded using SDWebImage (AUTOLAYOUT) -

i'm using autolayout.this code using under cellforrowatindexpath:

cell.chatimage.sd_setimagewithurl(nsurl(string: newsfeed.postimage!), placeholderimage: uiimage(named: "default_profile"), completed: { (image, error, cachetype, imageurl) -> void in                  let height = ((image?.size.height)! / (image?.size.width)!) * (tableview.bounds.width - 16)                 cell.chatimageheight.constant = height                 self.view.layoutifneeded()             }) 

the cell doesn't resize. resizes after scrolling. should do? since i'm using autolayout, i'm not implementing heightforrowatindexpath. i've mentioned uitableviewautomaticdimension , estimatedrowheight.

i think have call self.view.setneedslayout() make whole view layout fixing constraints

cell.chatimage.sd_setimagewithurl(nsurl(string: newsfeed.postimage!), placeholderimage: uiimage(named: "default_profile"), completed: { (image, error, cachetype, imageurl) -> void in                  let height = ((image?.size.height)! / (image?.size.width)!) * (tableview.bounds.width - 16)                 cell.chatimageheight.constant = height                  self.view.setneedslayout()                 self.view.layoutifneeded()              }) 


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