Django Toolbar gives different times when same template is loaded -

when using django debug toolbar, says page might load in 4000 ms. when reload page (with ctrl+f5 clear cache) says loads in 4400 ms -- or 3600 ms. there more accurate way benchmark load time? reason want optimize page load times , want make sure can see cause , effect clearly.

there variation in amount of time takes program anything--on typical computer there tens hundreds of processes simultaneously competing resources, exact load time vary depending on how else going on @ exact moment.

the best way benchmark not @ time take single page load, rather average time on bunch of loads. there many tools that--apache jmeter one.

you may want profiling app rather measuring overall load time--that identify bits of code called , contribute total time taken. guess-and-check optimizations more time consuming. see django docs or google "profiling django" many more resources.


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