django - how to pass template variables to javascript -

friends, trying pass template variable javascript in order create chart. not getting it. django considers js files static files. dynamic template variables aren't available javascripts.

i tried this:

passing template variables javascript

but didn't either. 1 variable passed. rest didn't.

def profile(request,username):     try:         u = user.objects.get(username=username)         questions = question.objects.filter(user=u)         answers = answer.objects.filter(user=u)         docs = document.objects.filter(user=u)     except user.doesnotexist:         pass     return render(request,"auths/profile.html",locals()) 

also, described in above link, profile.html is

<input type="hidden" value="{{ u.username }}" id="username" /> <input type="hidden" value="{{ docs.count }}" id="docs" /> <input type="hidden" value="{{ questions.count }}" id="questions" /> <input type="hidden" value="{{ answers.count }}" id="answers" />   {% block %}     <script type="text/javascript">         var user = document.getelementbyid("username").value;         var docs = document.getelementbyid("docs").value;         var questions = document.getelementbyid("questions").value;         var answers = document.getelementbyid("answers").value;     </script>     <script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'highcharts.js'%}">      </script>    <script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'highcharts-3d.js'%}"></script>     <script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'chart.js' %}"></script>   {% endblock %} 

and section of chart.js pass data :

series: [{   type: 'column',   name: 'user profile',   data: [       ['questions',   questions],       ['answers',   answers],       ['documents',  docs]   ] }] 

as explained earlier, problem 1 variable gets passed while rest don't. result, no chart rendered. should friends?

in case if helps, using django 1.9 , highcharts.

to answer own question, think figured out wrong. chart values in number format. passing string. needed done convert strings values or number using javascript typecasting.

and section of chart.js pass data :

series: [{   type: 'column',   name: 'user profile',   data: [       ['questions',   number(questions)],       ['answers',   number(answers)],       ['documents',  number(docs)]       ] }] 

changing strings numbers, chart rendered!


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