dependency injection - StructureMap on Xamarin: System.Reflection.TypeExtensions not found -

it seems cannot use structuremap:

[mono] class system.reflection.typeextensions not loaded, used in system.reflection.typeextensions, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 

i added system.reflection.typeextensions :

<package id="system.reflection.typeextensions" version="4.0.0" targetframework="monoandroid60" /> 

i can see dll in references. still same error.

any hints?

i need structuremap because couldn't pass constructor parameters when used simpleinjector. in strcuturemap it's easy:

_container.with(offer).getinstance<offerdetailsviewmodel>(); // "offer" passed ctor of offerdetailsviewmodel 


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