c++ - Huge performance difference query mysql database with same golang snippet -

i reimplement project golang recently. project implemented c++. when finished code , have performance test. i'm shocked result. when query database c++, can 130 million rows result in 5 mins. golang, it's 45 mins. when separate code project , build code snippet, it's finished in 2mins. why have huge difference performance result?

my code snippet : https://gist.github.com/pyanfield/2651d23311901b33c5723b7de2364148

package main  import (     "database/sql"     "fmt"     "runtime"     "strconv"     "time"      _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" )  func main() {     runtime.gomaxprocs(runtime.numcpu())     // defer profile.start(profile.cpuprofile, profile.profilepath(".")).stop()     dbread, err := connectdb("test:test@tcp(")     if err != nil {         fmt.printf("error happend when connecting db. %s\n", err.error())         return     }     defer dbread.close()     dbread.setmaxidleconns(0)     dbread.setmaxopenconns(100)      query := fmt.sprintf("where company_id in (11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99,00,111,222,333,4444,555,666,777,888,999)")      relations := getrelations(dbread, query) } func connectdb(addr string) (*sql.db, error) {     db, err := sql.open("mysql", addr)     if err != nil {         return nil, err     }     if err = db.ping(); err != nil {         return nil, err     }     return db, nil }  type relation struct {     childid  int64      parentid int64  }  func getrelations(db *sql.db, string)[]relation {     begin := time.now()      var err error     var rows *sql.rows     query := fmt.sprintf("select `child_id`, `parent_id` `test_relations` %s", where)     rows, err = db.query(query)     if err != nil {         fmt.println("query error:", err.error())         return nil     }     defer rows.close()      columns, err := rows.columns()     buffer := make([]sql.rawbytes, len(columns))     scanargs := make([]interface{}, len(buffer))     := range scanargs {         scanargs[i] = &buffer[i]     }      relations := []relation{}     relation := relation{}     rows.next() {         if err = rows.scan(scanargs...); err != nil {             fmt.println("scan:", err.error())             return nil         }         relation.parentid, _ = strconv.parseint(string(buffer[1]), 10, 64)         relation.childid, _ = strconv.parseint(string(buffer[0]), 10, 64)          relations = append(relations, relation)     }      if err = rows.err(); err != nil {         fmt.println("next error:", err.error())         return nil     }     fmt.printf(">>> getrelations cost: %s\n", time.since(begin).string())     // output :>>> getrelations cost:1m45.791047s     return relations     // len(relations): 131123541 } 

update: go version 1.6. cpu profile got below: code snippet profile top20:

    75.67s of 96.82s total (78.16%) dropped 109 nodes (cum <= 0.48s) showing top 20 nodes out of 82 (cum >= 12.04s)       flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%     11.85s 12.24% 12.24%     11.85s 12.24%  runtime.memmove     10.28s 10.62% 22.86%     20.01s 20.67%  runtime.mallocgc      5.82s  6.01% 28.87%      5.82s  6.01%  strconv.parseuint      5.79s  5.98% 34.85%      5.79s  5.98%  runtime.futex      3.42s  3.53% 38.38%     10.28s 10.62%  github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql.(*buffer).readnext      3.42s  3.53% 41.91%      6.38s  6.59%  runtime.scang      3.37s  3.48% 45.39%     36.97s 38.18%  github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql.(*textrows).readrow      3.37s  3.48% 48.87%      3.37s  3.48%  runtime.memclr      3.20s  3.31% 52.18%      3.20s  3.31%  runtime.heapbitssettype      3.02s  3.12% 55.30%      7.36s  7.60%  database/sql.convertassign      2.96s  3.06% 58.36%      3.02s  3.12%  runtime.(*mspan).sweep.func1      2.53s  2.61% 60.97%      2.53s  2.61%  runtime._externalcode      2.39s  2.47% 63.44%      2.96s  3.06%  runtime.readgstatus      2.24s  2.31% 65.75%      8.06s  8.32%  strconv.parseint      2.21s  2.28% 68.03%      5.24s  5.41%  runtime.heapbitssweepspan      2.15s  2.22% 70.25%      7.68s  7.93%  runtime.rawstring      2.06s  2.13% 72.38%      3.18s  3.28%  github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql.readlengthencodedstring      1.95s  2.01% 74.40%     12.23s 12.63%  github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql.(*mysqlconn).readpacket      1.83s  1.89% 76.29%     79.42s 82.03%  main.relations      1.81s  1.87% 78.16%     12.04s 12.44%  runtime.slicebytetostring 

the project cpu profile top20:

     (pprof) top20 38.71mins of 42.82mins total (90.40%) dropped 334 nodes (cum <= 0.21mins) showing top 20 nodes out of 76 (cum >= 1.35mins)       flat  flat%   sum%        cum   cum%  12.02mins 28.07% 28.07%  12.48mins 29.15%  runtime.addspecial   5.95mins 13.89% 41.96%  15.08mins 35.21%  runtime.pcvalue   5.26mins 12.29% 54.25%   5.26mins 12.29%  runtime.readvarint   2.60mins  6.08% 60.32%   7.87mins 18.37%  runtime.step   1.98mins  4.62% 64.94%  19.45mins 45.43%  runtime.gentraceback   1.65mins  3.86% 68.80%   1.65mins  3.86%  runtime/internal/atomic.xchg   1.57mins  3.66% 72.46%   2.93mins  6.84%  runtime.(*mspan).sweep   1.52mins  3.54% 76.01%   1.78mins  4.15%  runtime.findfunc   1.41mins  3.30% 79.31%   1.42mins  3.31%  runtime.markrootspans   1.13mins  2.64% 81.95%   1.13mins  2.64%  runtime.(*fixalloc).alloc   0.64mins  1.50% 83.45%   0.64mins  1.50%  runtime.duffcopy   0.46mins  1.08% 84.53%   0.46mins  1.08%  runtime.findmoduledatap   0.44mins  1.02% 85.55%   0.44mins  1.02%  runtime.fastrand1   0.42mins  0.97% 86.52%  15.49mins 36.18%  runtime.funcspdelta   0.38mins  0.89% 87.41%  36.02mins 84.13%  runtime.mallocgc   0.30mins   0.7% 88.12%   0.78mins  1.83%  runtime.scanobject   0.26mins   0.6% 88.72%   0.32mins  0.74%  runtime.stkbucket   0.26mins   0.6% 89.32%   0.26mins   0.6%  runtime.memmove   0.23mins  0.55% 89.86%   0.23mins  0.55%  runtime.heapbitsforobject   0.23mins  0.53% 90.40%   1.35mins  3.15%  runtime.lock 

i got answer , want share it. caused mistake. ago, tried add memory profile , set runtime. memprofilerate=1 in init method. forgot reset reasonable value. ignored method when checked code every time. after removing setting project, returns normal, , spend 5~6mins query these 130m datas. speed pretty close c++ version. advise please when set runtime.memprofilerate=1 unless make sure want that, , remember reset back.


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