Will it be possible that implementing Clojure (or Clojure syntax) over SBCL(or Other fast Lisp)? -

i've tried both sbcl , clojure , found syntax of clojure slow compared sbcl me. there implementation of clojure on sbcl or possible?

i found https://github.com/ayrnieu/disclojure can enlighten me. :-)

clojure intended target several backends. side effect clojure being hosted language designed philosophy of embracing host. never goal, instance, make same code written clojure on jvm run unmodified on, again instance, clr. substantial amounts of code common between clojure jvm , clojurescript, nice bonus.

it stable for:

  • jvm
  • javascript/ecmascript

generally stable for:

  • clr/.net

and know of experimental builds for:

  • python
  • c
  • scheme
  • ios (via scheme)

more targets showing interest , time intersect. if provide implementation favorite lisp, patches welcome! advisable base implementation on clojurescript compiler best exemplifies intended development methods compiler.


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