ubuntu - GitLab Omnibus has missing 'nginx' folder in 'etc' -

i'm trying host other apps on same server gitlab installed on using ubuntu. per searching on gitlab's documentation, see can enable custom .conf files , direct them should live inside /etc/nginx/conf.d/ path. reference says put them in specified path, i'm lacking nginx folder in /etc. not sure if it's intended not installed in /etc, why reference saying nginx should there?

update 1:

per, @bradrini's response i've managed create directories within /etc/nginx/conf.d configuration file named example.conf. domain structure have setup have gitlab @ dev.example.com , have other app pointed test.example.com. below nginx configuration new domain:

server {     # using actual ip here houses gitlab , test.example.com domain     listen         default_server ssl;      # domain called     server_name             test.example.com;       # wildcard cert used gitlab     ssl_certificate         /etc/gitlab/ssl/dev.example.com.crt       # wildcard key used gitlab     ssl_certificate_key     /etc/gitlab/ssl/dev.example.com.key       #charset koi8-r;     #access_log  /var/log/nginx/log/host.access.log  main;      location / {         # root file directory test.example.com domain         root   /var/www/test.example.com/html;          index  index.html index.htm;     }  } 

i getting no connection test.example.com domain, because forwarding gitlab domain (dev.example.com).

i'm thinking issue being caused nginx config problem? there else could've missed should check? have worry sites-enabled or sites-available folders?

update 2:

so configuration above, neither dev.example.com or test.example.com actively run. both can't connect per browser. not sure makes both of them not able connect.

when install nginx, /etc/nginx/ folder created.you can then, said, edit /etc/nginx/nginx.conf check /etc/nginx/conf.d/ folder.be sure you're 'root' able see everything, , check /usr/local/nginx/ folder (they conf files can there, guess can come version install).


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