tmux jump 5 lines in history / copy mode -

in ~/.tmux.conf have works great:

bind-key -t vi-copy n cursor-down 

it allows me move cursor in history / copy mode.

i want jump more rapidly (like in vim).

i want jump 5 lines, doesn't work:

bind-key -t vi-copy e 5 cursor-up 

how can add keybinding jump several lines?

originally, tmux has restricted support commands in copy-mode. can't assign multiple commands, can't repeat them. option assign single command keystroke.

however, there's mod tmux allows full-fledged support scripting in tmux: (i'm author)

using mod, can way:

bind-key -t vi-copy k tcl {   {set 0} {$i < 5} {incr i} {     cursor-up   } } 

also, you'd able use variables, loops, define own procedures , have more control on tmux internals.


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