python - Use different view in Django if the url contains specific character -

i have view:

def url_redirect(request,id):         url = get_object_or_404(url,short_id=id)         return httpresponseredirect(url.httpurl) 

and these urls:

urlpatterns = [         url(r'^admin/',,         url(ur'^(?p<id>.*)$', views.url_redirect),  ] 

basically redirecting different site

now have possibility use different view if url varies adding "!" character, i.e :!xyz

so whenever use url else redirecting.

any idea how can this? appreciated.

if want deal in same view, leave urls , change view:

def url_redirect(request,id):     if id.startswith('!'):         id = id[1:]         # whatever want id     else:         url = get_object_or_404(url,short_id=id)         return httpresponseredirect(url.httpurl) 


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