phpbb3 - phpbb variable empty on custom page -

i have phpbb 3.1 forum, have put html portal, (using custom page tutorial)

i have included functions.php can use {s_username} , s_ in page...

but, want put forum statistics, using, example:

{total_users_online}         {logged_in_user_list} {total_posts} 

and on

the variables, empty when using them in page... there problem? need add more file?


the variables mentioned initialized in page_header function in functions.php

in custom pages call function initialize common variables s_ variables mentioned.

since loading of online users little heavier , not needed on every page, function has parameter $display_online_list enable it.

check method signature , set $display_online_list true

to display total_posts, need add bit of code, see assign_vars call in index.php, $config global variable should available in every page.


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