node.js - Are there any (GUI) tools for MongoDB use Mongoose like syntax? -

i'm new both node.js , mongodb. i'm using mongoose query , aggregation. mongoose's syntax bit different native mongodb. i'm looking kind of tools, gui tools better, test mongoose query.

you give mongobooster try. mongobooster support mongoose-like fluent query builder enables build query using chaining syntax, rather specifying json object.

// instead of writing: db.user.find({age:{:18,:65}},{name,1,age:1,_id:-1}).sort({age:-1, name:1});  // can write: db.user.where('age').gte(18).lte(65).select('name age -_id').sort("-age name");      // passing query conditions permitted db.collection.find().where({ name: 'mongobooster' })  // chaining db.collection         .where('age').gte(18).lte(65)         .where({ 'name': /^mongobooster/i })         .where('friends').slice(10)  // aggregation db.companies.aggregate(qb.where('founded_year').gte(2000).lte(2010)) //qb:querybuilder       .group({_id:"$category_code",count:{$sum:1}})       .sort('-count')       .limit(100)


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